
Irreal Engine is a 3D game engine based on Unity made by 2 students in 4 months using C++. We used different 3rd party libraries as OpenGL, Devil, MathGeoLib...
I worked in the Engine Structure, Camera, Drag&Drop & Wwise integration

Check the website to see all the libraries HERE .


· Engine Structure: Gameobjects with components like transform, mesh and material
· Mesh Binary Format : We have our own file format for loading assets. We have our importer and exporter with drag & drop
·GameObject Hierarchy & Inspector: The way our GameObjects are organised and how you can interact with them. Father/Child hierarchy
· Component Camera: Camera movement using WASD keys and right mouse. Alt + left click to orbit. Frustum with camera culling
· In-Game Assets Folder: Search for the assets inside the engine
· Mouse Picking: Pixel accurate mouse picking
· Wwise Integration